Aotearoa Music Industry Collective

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Latest Articles

Being interviewed can be daunting, especially to those who are not used to answering questions on the go. This article looks at some things you can do to help prepare.

Criticism is something that we all have to deal with, and it’s something which is prevalent in every industry. While a difficult but necessary part of being a musician, using criticism to your advantage can help to ensure your longevity within the music industry. This article looks at strategies for dealing with criticism.

It can be challenging making headway in what is often described as an overcrowded and competitive music industry. While it’s essential to stand up above everyone else in order to receive recognition for your music, taking the time to hone your craft will also pay dividends. This article looks at how you can rise above the noise in today’s modern music industry.

Photographers attending live gigs is commonplace within New Zealand, and it needs to be acknowledged that the conditions in which they photograph in are usually less than desirable. This article looks at what a band or musician can do to help those photographers obtain good quality live gig photos.

You’ve honed your skills, and you’re at the point where you want to start gigging with a band. Joining a band is the easiest way to hit the ground running with the opportunity to perform in front of a ready-made fanbase. Yet, it may be difficult to find a group of like-minded individuals playing the music you enjoy. So does it make sense to try to join an existing band, or should you just form a band of your own? Article with thanks to Rawiri McKinney from Riff Raff Promotions.

Social media can be used as a hunting ground for scammers, and it’s now more important than ever before to protect yourself from such scams. Bands and musicians can take that one step further, and also do what they can to protect their fans from scams. Here are some helpful suggestions on how you can protect your fans from scams.

Don't Give Up Your Day Job Podcast